POP-UP gallerie
“Art Bubble” are pop-up galleries for contemporary art whose locations are constantly on the move, in frequent places that attract audiences and customers. The concept of the exhibition is proposed by the curators by applying to the online call for curators, and artists of different profiles choose the most interesting proposal for them.
Art Bubble pop-up exhibitions give visual artists the opportunity for more frequent exhibitions, a variety of curatorial programs and accessibility of the program to a wider audience, which gets acquainted with visual art through the presentation of next door galleries, making the pop-up gallery concept accessible. works of art as an idea became more acceptable. What is being invested in this program is for curators to become key drivers in the process of the cultural industry. The Art Bubble / Art & Money program are pop-up exhibitions whose locations are constantly on the move, in frequent places that attract audiences and customers. The very concepts of the exhibitions are offered by curators and art historians through a public call. The most interesting proposals will be presented in September during the Art Zagreb art salon. where artists, as well as the audience, use virtual tools to vote and choose the most interesting proposal for a pop-up exhibition. The curators with the most votes receive support for the realization of the proposed pop-up exhibition, which will last 24 hours in two days of presentation. Pop-up gallery spaces are suggested by curators, and they can be city spaces, artists’ studios, shops, but also public spaces of the city of Zagreb, fairs and unconventional places for exhibition. Art Bubble pop-up exhibitions give visual artists the opportunity for more frequent exhibitions, a variety of curatorial programs and accessibility of the program to a wider audience, which gets acquainted with visual art through the presentation of next door galleries, making the pop-up gallery concept accessible. works of art as an idea became more acceptable. What is being invested in this program is for curators to become key drivers in the process of the cultural industry. The Art Bubble program was launched in the fall of 2021 as part of the Art Zagreb Art Fair.Prijave za natječaj Art Bubble 2022. je zatvoren.
Žiri sastavljen od umjetnika: Paulina Jazvić, Denis Krašković i Davor Mezak glasovao je za najzanimljivije prijedloge za pop–up izlaganje Art Bubble u 2022. godini.
Među pristiglim prijavama kustoski prijedlozi koji su dobili najviše glasova su:
Neispričane priče – Grad kao inspiracija – kustosica Ana Bratić
FE/MALE – kustosica Mirela Plenković
Muzej odbačenih predmeta – kustos Udruga Trećeprostor
Gumi-Gumi – kustosica Marta Agičić
Art Bubble pop-up kustoski prijedlozi bit će izloženi od 15. do 18.09. u gradu Zagrebu.
Project author: Jelena Remetin
Project holder: artistic organization YELO – for interdisciplinary artistic process
Executive producer: Jelena Remetin
Production and public relations: Andrea Remetin
The project was realized in cooperation with Art Zagreb and with the financial support of the City of Zagreb